My name is Collin Coyle and I am currently a senior at Austin High School. I am theson of ... Learn More

Collin Coyle
About Me
My name is Collin Coyle and I am currently a senior at Austin High School. I am theson of Christopher Coyle and Erin Fisher. I have 4 step brothers and 1 step sister. Mystep brother’s names are Alex, Stephan, Edward, Benjamin and my step sistersname is Christina. I have lived in Austin for my entire life. My hobbies that I enjoythe most are running, biking, hiking, swimming, and fixing computers. I participatein both cross country and track during the school year. On the weekends, I spendmost of the time working at Hy-Vee. This upcoming October will mark my third yearworking there and I think that it is crazy that I have stuck with this job sincefreshman year. After high school, I plan on starting my education at RiverlandCommunity College and then plan to transfer to a university after I complete my associates degree.I am hoping to major in business, so taking this class will give me a better idea ofwhat everyday business is like and hopefully I will stick with this option. I am veryexcited to see what this class has in store for me and all the knowledge that I willobtain from this class.